Friday, September 30, 2016

Golden Hour

   This photo was taken one evening after a failed attempt at doing some panorama pictures. It was hot and miserable outside and me and my boyfriend had been walking around for well over an hour trying to find a good location to do my panorama assignment. We had come into contact with two rather large copper heads and my dog was so eager for attention that she decided to start following us down the road. As you can imagine, it is not easy to get a panorama shot with a hyper dog prancing through the frames. Once finally decided to give up and walk home I was feeling rather defeated. Then I noticed the beautiful light poking through the trees and decided I should snap a few shots just for the heck of it. This is the result and I can say that I am glad I took a few seconds to stop and appreciate the view.

On Location Bridal

Taken for my wedding photography class.
   I am not finished retouching these pictures, but I had a lot of fun with this session! I took these photos of my dear friend Carol this past week on my grandfathers property surrounding my home in Mocksville. We had been getting a lot of rain so I was nervous about going out, but thankfully the weather cleared up for us and we got a lot of shots. There is still so much more I wish that I could have gotten. There are just too many great locations in the area and only so much time to get that beautiful sunset.

Friday, September 23, 2016


   In my portraiture class, we are learning about feminine and masculine posing techniques. So for an assignment this week, we had to create silhouettes of both a male and female model to really get an idea of what makes a feminine and masculine pose. Typically, you look at the curve of a persons body to figure out the pose and it becomes much easier to see with a silhouette. On the left, you will see what is called an S curve which is a feminine pose.  To the right you will see a C curve, and this pose is a masculine pose. Poses are not just limited to S and C curves, but these are two of the most common poses used. So if you are ever looking for a way to pose someone for a picture, these are two simple ways of doing it!
"C Curve"
"S Curve" 

The First Day Of Autumn

   I may not be posting this picture on the first day of Autumn, but I did take it yesterday! This week in my digital media class, we learned about making panoramic shots and putting them together in photoshop. Now this picture is far from perfect and was mostly just a practice shot. Normally I would not be going for this wide angle look with a panoramic, but I wanted to see if I could get a wacky and almost fish eye appearance. As far as that goal goes, I think I was successful with the end result. I like to take the time to play around with my photography and find new, different ways of seeing the world. This is a fun perspective of a view that I have daily, plus I had a lot of fun creating it!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Here Comes The "Bride"

   Earlier today, I took bridal portraits in the studio of my lovely friend Emilee Jones. I have not had the time to go through and edit them yet, but I love how they turned out! Plus I had a ton of fun working with her.
   To start out with, I was really intimidated by this assignment. I had never really tried to light a wedding dress before and I had no clue how the session would go. Not to mention I had not even fitted her in a dress by the time I was supposed to be in the studio... Once I started working though, I actually started to loosen up and really enjoy my time. My only complaint is that two hours flew by so quickly! Thank you again to the beautiful "bride."

Focal Length Lab

Picture taken for my portraiture class 
   Not a lot of people realize what a big difference a simple change of focal length can do to a picture. A longer focal length is normally used for portraits because it does not distort the subject like a short length does. I do not always enjoy this odd and wacky look but every once and a while it can make for a fun picture.
   I have done this lab multiple times now and I still enjoy experimenting with these very different looks. I feel like this particular picture needed the distortion to make it come together.

Friday, September 9, 2016


   Yesterday was a bit of a hectic day for me... Actually this whole week was, but not the bad kind! Just crazy is all.
  So yesterday, I was taking a break from editing photos to water my plants. Then I noticed this little web hanging out on the balcony. Normally I just see the webs outside as a nuisance and come at them with a broom, but this one was somehow different. The way it was so perfectly shaped and glistening in the evening sun. I saw it and knew I needed a picture.
    I normally don't really take a lot of pictures for myself, so I thought it would be worth sharing. The main thing I got out of this little web is that there can be beauty in even the nuisances in life.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Hobby VS Job

   I kind of feel like I am cheating on my weekly blog post with this picture because it was taken at the beginning of the summer semester... I still enjoy it though!
   Lately, I have not really had the time or energy to go and take pictures outside of school. To be honest, even over our summer break, I only really took pictures on my beach trip... I know... It is sad. I guess that is just what happens when you make a hobby into a career.
   It is not just something I do in my free time anymore. When I am doing it, it is always to get me one step closer to having a job. Plus the fact that it is not really very easy to get a job in this field. Even though I don't think photography will ever just be a pass time for me again, I am grateful to be going into a job that I am so passionate about.